
Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations, Inc.

Serving the Kendall community since 1976

The Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations, Inc. (KFHA) is a non-profit organization with membership open to homeowner and condominium associations, as well as individuals living in the Kendall area.

Since 1976, Kendall has outgrown its agricultural base and has become one of the fastest growing, most densely-populated communities in Florida.

KFHA represents the needs of Kendall's residents and homeowners.

• We have, and continue to lead the battle to maintain orderly growth in Kendall.
• We have, and continue to fight for more schools for our children.
• We have, and continue to vigorously oppose development, both residential and commercial, that we and affected homeowners feel would be detrimental to our Kendall neighborhoods.
• We have, and continue to sponsor monthly forums and special meetings regarding numerous issues of great concern to our members and residents-at-large.
• We have, and continue to maintain the highest standard for Kendall when we consistently express our concerns or support of proposed projects before our Community Council Zoning Appeals Boards 10, 11 and 12.

KFHA's Service To Our Community:  Past & Present

• We led the fight to oppose the Kendall Prison at Kendall Drive and Krome Avenue.
• We have successfully lobbied for 11 elementary, 3 junior and 4 senior high schools in Kendall.
• We have successfully lobbied for the new Kendall Regional Library.
• We have successfully lobbied for many new roads to be constructed.
• We have successfully lobbied for 6 new fire stations and an additional police station in Kendall.
• We have worked with the U.S. Postal System on creating a new facility in Kendall.
• We fought to retain funding for Farm Share, which provides food for low- and no-income families.
• We led, and continue to lead the fight to keep Tamiami Airport from being expanded to a major cargo handling facility.
• We have supported the Airport Runway Expansion to only accommodate executive corporate aircraft.
• We have, and continue to provide residents with factual information on candidates seeking public office.
• We have, and continue to provide continuous involvement in local zoning matters and planning issues that affect the sustainable growth of Kendall.
• We have, and continue to hold monthly meetings, special forums and seminars on critical Kendall issues.
• We have, and continue to represent the Kendall Community before the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners and the Kendall Community Councils' Zoning Appeals Boards on items of concern to our residents.
• We have, and continue to acknowledge students who have turned their lives around in the face of adversity. Operation Turnaround Scholarship Initiative hosts an Annual Awards Luncheon for these students, their parents and their teachers.
• We have, and continue to host a Children's Holiday Program with gifts for the children of low-income families.

Future Challenges

Many challenges will face the Kendall Community and its residents over the coming decades. Here are some of the issues:

• We are fighting to obtain funding to protect our pets.
• We are fighting to protect our wildlife.
• Should Kendall become a city? Should it be one or more than one city? What would the benefits be to its residents? Are there disadvantages?
• The impact of population growth and community development on the limited water supply, agriculture and ecosystems of our watershed. The impact of our precious natural resources of the Biscayne Bay and Everglades.
• Improved road infrastructure, along with neighborhood improvement projects related to sidewalks, bicycle lanes, rainstorm run-off drainage and sewer construction. Improvements to eliminate street flooding, as well as resurfacing of worn-out roadways covered with potholes.
• The need to secure and protect our Community. Maintaining Emergency/Fire Rescue and Police Protection Services in the face of budget pressures, while our population rapidly increases.
• The construction of more Parks and Recreation facilities of many types for use by all residents, not just for team sports’ activities.
• There are many more issues requiring constant monitoring.

Standing Committees

• Budget and Finance
• By-Laws
• Communications and Public Relations
• Community Partners
• Education and Schools
• Elections - "Meet The Candidates" Forums
• Holiday Program
• Mass Transportation
• Membership
• Miami-Dade County Government Affairs
• Operation Turnaround Scholarship Initiative
• Parks and Recreation
• Planning & Zoning
• Police and Firefighters’ Annual Recognition Program
• Roads and Highways
• Website Development and Maintenance